Monday, August 04, 2008

Archbishop Lefebvre was right!

The recent publication of the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, vindicates the resistance of Archbishop Lefebvre against the ecclesiastical "abuse of power" which sought to forbid the traditional Roman Mass and proves the veracity of the following two quotes from him:

This Mass is not forbidden and cannot be forbidden. (…) If a priest were censured or even excommunicated on this ground [i.e., for saying the traditional Roman Mass, Ed.], the sentence would be absolutely invalid. (…) We can celebrate it and the faithful can attend it with complete peace of mind, knowing furthermore it is the best way of maintaining their faith. (Open Letter to Confused Catholics, ANGELUS PRESS)

I would say that we have to choose between an appearance of obedience —for the Holy Father cannot ask us to abandon our faith —and the preservation of our faith. Well, we choose not to abandon our faith. (Ibid.)

It would do well to remember that ultimately, the issue for Archbishop Lefebvre and for those who adhere to Catholic Tradition is the Faith as taught by Holy Mother Church:

We do not want to break away from the Church; on the contrary, we want the Church to continue. A Church which breaks away from her past is no longer the Catholic Church. (…) We are certain that the truth will come back. It cannot be otherwise. The Good God does not abandon His Church. (Homily, Geneva, May 15, 1978)

Time will certainly vindicate Archbishop Lefebvre of what else he stood for and defended.


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