Monday, April 20, 2009

Sermon of Bishop de Galarreta

This is a translated version of a sermon by one of the SSPX four bishops, Bishop de Galarreta. I found this post on one blog which can be found here or the link is post is in this link) by Bishop Alois Hudal. This sermon was made on SundayMarch 15, 2009 during a Mass

Original post is in Spanish translated using google translate website.
The sermon is wrapped in a quote:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Parents, dear seminarians, Dear faithful:

I take this first opportunity that I can put the word to refer to two important events that occurred this summer, and I would give a rather general, ie since the beginning-from the supernatural point of view, so that be clear what our position is the position of the Priestly Fraternity Saint Pius X, and what must be the line to guide us through our battles.

First major event

And first, in chronological order, the decree was held on alleged excommunication, the lifting of the decree of excommunication alleged. And our position has been clear before, during and after this decree. We have always said and have always maintained that these censures were absolutely void in law and fact.

That act of the year 1988-the episcopal consecrations, not only was a good, but was a supreme good, by reason of necessity is that the Holy Church. It was an act to safeguard the true Catholic priesthood, and therefore, the true Catholic faith. It was an act in defense of the Holy Church, for the survival of the Holy Church and therefore it is clear that is not subject to any condemnation.

Nevertheless, it is also clear that in the eyes of ordinary people, were excommunicated themselves: in the eyes of public opinion, in the eyes of the rest of the Church who do not reach our explanations and our arguments, we were convicted. And everything was convicted on the Catholic tradition, the true Catholic faith. And so we welcome the decree.

You know that thinking is distinguishable. So intelligence is the distinction. We must distinguish between the different aspects of things. We are pleased and grateful, because it does not detract from the courageous courteous, and respect and charity is an obligation of every good Christian, we are pleased and grateful that decree, precisely as we remove this stigma, as this removes a condemnation we represent, which is the true Catholic tradition, which is the true Catholic faith. And that paves the way first aspect so we can discuss doctrine on faith, with Rome.

And secondly it is clear that the measure removes a major obstacle in many souls to be closer to us and to be closer to the Tradition. And that is what is happening. After the Motu Proprio, and even more especially after the decree, there are many people who are approaching the Tradition, and many priests were afraid that before and now come to learn of the service, for example, in our priories.

Now, we welcome that does not mean that the decree itself, we look good. It is clear that the decree did not answer to reality or truth, nor justice. So there remains a genuine rehabilitation, rather than us all four bishops of the fraternity, but especially those who make up the small family tradition, especially the rehabilitation of Bishop de Castro Mayer and Archbishop Lefebvre. That is outstanding.

But it seems obvious to some who think that Rome is that you may not current rehabilitation means that before any act motivated by the common good of the Church and the state of necessity, and for that we must recognize that there is a problem major apostasy from the Faith but themselves. It is impossible to claim that rehabilitation is precisely now when we want to talk to them to see, with the grace of God, who walk away from the paths of Faith

Third, we have said many times and I repeat it, since we, the successor of Monsignor Lefebvre, come into contact with Rome, made it clear that absolutely exclude a purely practical. Neither seek nor accept it or are willing to receive it. We know that it would be the end of our struggle, because how can we get down to and obey the orders of those we send them the systematic demolition of the Faith and the Church, embracing modernism and liberalism?

And that has happened before, during and after the Motu Proprio and the decree of excommunication. However-and this is also our position, practically unanimous position of the fraternity, we are ready to doctrinal confrontation with Rome. We are ready to go to witness to the true faith and where we must really where you can solve this crisis in the Church, which is in Rome.

And in fact, to illustrate that this is our real position, we have made years ago before the eyes-to see what they actually do, and they repeatedly reject purely canonical arrangements and agreements purely practical.

In January, on days when the decree was published we received before, of course we are offered two times higher than absolutely canonical solutions which people have accepted as priests or as fields of the Institute of the Good Shepherd. That is, we are offering solutions canonical almost unconditionally, yet reject. Why? Because that puts us in an ambiguity as to the public confession of faith and, secondly, because it throws us into the dynamics of a purely practical arrangement that puts us in the royal order, under his command and influence.

And the document, the Pope's recent letter to all Catholic bishops, the letter and really interesting to be able to read, a distinction, precisely, to underline the point that Rome finally accepts what he has always been our proposal. Indeed, after removing these two obstacles, which included the prohibition of the Mass and the canonical-censorship, we can begin real discussions of doctrine, ie, on Vatican II and the teachings posconciliares. And that is what the Pope proposes and what the Pope said. And so will include the Commission Ecclesia Dei, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is, at long last recognized that the issue is doctrinal and faith, and finally agree to discuss and agreed to discuss the Second Vatican Council. That, at least to our eyes, is a big step.

Nor, obviously, is beyond us that is a struggle disproportionately. Do not ignore the disparity of this struggle, which is like David and Goliath. We are very small, we have very few resources compared to everything that this institution and this machinery of the Vatican. However-and it certainly will take things very carefully and with great caution, do not believe we're going to go anyway, or in any condition. That we will go is not to say that we are willing to do it anyway. We will, as far as we can, with caution, vigilance and distrust each other.

But then again, I remind you that it was David who won the battle, and not Goliath. And David won the battle because their cause was the cause of God. And what he was looking for its own sake or his own glory but the glory of God, and because it was in God's name-in-nomine Domini and because confidence in God. I do not see why we would have to fall into fearful attitudes, faint-hearted or half-hysterical, because they simply have to go to because of our faith wherever we have to go and where we know that will resolve this crisis. It is precisely what we are fighting for forty years to have this possibility.

And then? After we know who is winning, we know. "If God is with us who is against us" (Rom. 8, 31) Or do we fear to defend the truth, referring to the whole tradition, all the teachings of the saints, of popes, the doctors ? We must have strength. "Viriliter shake, et confortetur cor vestrum: masculine deed says God will be strengthened and your heart will be comforted" (Ps. 30, 25).

Second major event

The other event, you know what that was circumstantial epicenter of the gate this seminar also requires some thinking and a vision from above. In any well-formed moral body, it is clear that when a member makes a mistake or fault, the obligation of the other members is summarized in charity. The obligation to their peers, other members, specifically outlined in mercy. And as applied to this case, as St. Thomas teaches, first, if necessary, is the fraternal correction, which is an act of mercy.

Then, the forgiveness, the forgiveness of the faults, the forgiveness of offenses, forgiveness and the consequences of the offenses or misdemeanors.

And third-ice-Thomas, the third work of mercy in that order, is patience, "Soportaos another" (Eph. 4, 2). What we can not correct the neighbor what he can not change the unfortunate consequences to be suffered and borne the whole body, we must patiently endure. And that is an act of mercy.

But there is a principle that is superior to it. And is that any moral well-formed body, the common good takes precedence over the particular good. And a fortiori, the interest, which is not always particularly good, and a fortiori on the opinions.

But who is caring for the common good is not every member, but the constituted authority. The authority comes from God, not the base. The authority is given by God. And then all well formed body, such as the Holy Church, or as if, for example, the Fraternity of St. Pius X, we should all prefer the common good to the particular product and, secondly, the authority has to defend not only prefer and love, but rather has the duty to defend the authority given to it-that either common particularly in the property.

It is all very well to criticize liberalism and criticize staff, but then we have anarchy attitudes or snipers, or as we prefer our opinion particularly well to our common good, we fall into what we criticize.

The second point I want to do or thought was that anyway there is no proportionality between the reason, the alleged cause and effect of violence unleashed against us: against Bishop, the Pope, against the fraternity and the Church. Which shows that in any case was only an occasional cause or reason.

It is said that the tree does not have to taparnos forest. Indeed, the tree that we had here, we do not close the forest cover. In Spain they say that when it says the moon, the fool is left looking at the finger. "There's the moon," and the fool looks at the finger. The finger is? Yes, but is pointing out something else! And what is he will, in my view, is precisely the fear that they have to advance the cause of the tradition-the tradition of true Fe-within the church. Panic and fear and anger that we can discuss them with the Vatican II teachings and exits posconciliares of Vatican II, ie, modernism and liberalism.

That is what they are untouchable. And that it is provided to cause a violent attack, media, politics, etc.., That we object.

So the record straight. Not a bad sign ... Of course, we must suffer, but that is not a bad sign. "Bark, Sancho, a sign that ride"-phrase that, incidentally, is not Don Quixote, but it's very purpose. For me it as is. "Bark, Sancho," a sign that first began to bother them seriously.

It is therefore of what is normal in our fight. What is normal, ie, the pursuit, which may have different ways, sometimes silent, sometimes more explicit and violent. Our Lord is what we announced: "If I hated, I hate you" (Jn 15, 18); "If they persecuted me, I will persecute you" (Jn 15, 20). The same St. Paul says: "Anyone who wants to live piously in Christ will suffer persecution" (2 Tim 3, 12).

Keeping calm in some crucial moments

So we must remain calm. Rather, it is as a confirmation that we are not wrong track. It is something that our Lord told us. We know that victory will come through the Cross. Think that you will require sacrifices, suffering and martyrdom perhaps to reverse the situation that exists today in the Church, not to understand, is not understood anything about Christianity.

So when these persecutions come, keep calm, keep the strength, perseverance, and even joy. The Acts of the Apostles tell us that they, the Apostles were glad to suffer something for Christ, the Church (Acts 5, 41). I do know that our Lord, in the eighth beatitude, that is, according to St. Thomas, which implicitly contains all others, says: "Blessed are you when they say prosecute all sorts of evil, slander and defamation of you because of my name: rejoice and exult, because great is your reward in the kingdom of heaven "(Mt 5, 10-12). He says "rejoice" no "entristeceos.

And I think a good implementation of what we spent, for you, dear seminarians, is this: it is good that now that they have time and quiet to prepare, know what's happening. This indicates, is a first warning of what is to come. The more progress we make, the more we will pursue. In other words, they must know that the Catholic priesthood today is to brave ... is brave ... and not worth the half measures. And, therefore, have to take these precious years of training they have.

Training in my view has three pillars. First, following the natural order of things doctrine. The doctrine, training in the Faith Therefore intellectual training. Studies. Firstly, the seminar is a house of studies, which shines as Father Olmedo said the other day, March 7, especially the person and doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas. We can also count on the other studies made at the Seminar. Not only is studied theology or philosophy, but also spirituality, history, Latin, and especially Sacred Scripture. The priest has to be versed in Scripture, the priest's own science.

The second pillar is the pity. Piety, the liturgy that includes all offices, all the ceremonies, especially the holy sacrifice of the Mass, but also, for example, singing, and personal prayer. In six years of seminary should be experts in prayer, personal prayer and take a very firm and well founded.

And if the workshop is home studio and house of piety, is, and not least, and I think it is perhaps more to forget, because it is more difficult as a school of perfection, of sanctification. The Seminar had to get used to practice the virtues, that is, the works. And that is what finally given strength, then give them a fruitful and continuing priesthood.

Make time for this day to the Blessed Virgin to give us all the grace to respond to what God expects in these crucial moments of the Church to give us the grace to live up to what we are asked to everyone. And ask especially seminarians who start a school year more for the formation of in-depth, looking for God, loving God, imitating our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Blessed Virgin was blessed by being the mother of God, was more blessed for having believed and was even more blessed for having carried the word of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mass Schedule for April 2009

Schedule for April 2009

Mass Offered by

Rev Fr Adam Purdy
Society of Saint Pius X

Every 4th weekend of the Month (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Schedule of the Mass

April 24,---Friday-----6:00pm
April 25,---Saturday--6:00pm
April 26,---Sunday----8:00am

Our Lady Help of Christian Mass Center
Del Pillar-Tiano Streets,
Cagayan de Oro City
Come with your family and friends.


For more information please contact us:

09262736572 John
09154666741 Raul
09157992824 Shannah
09052195742 Mark Andrew
09224488340 Marissa

Ave Maria!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Station of the Cross

Yesterday, April 10, 2009. The group has decided to meet at John Solangon's House to have the Station of the Cross. The said activity is held at Carmelites church at Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City. The group started at the foot at the hill about 8:30 in the morning.

Station of the Cross:
  1. Jesus was condemned to death
  2. Jesus was made to carry His Cross
  3. Jesus falls for the first time
  4. Jesus meets His sorrowful mother
  5. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus with the Cross
  6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
  7. Jesus falls the second time
  8. The women of Jerusalem weep over Jesus
  9. Jesus falls for the third time
  10. Jesus is stripped off his garments
  11. Jesus us nailed to the cross
  12. Jesus is raised upon the Cross and dies
  13. Jesus is taken from the Cross given to his mother
  14. Jesus us laid on the sepulcher

Monday, April 06, 2009

Who is Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre?

Marcel-François Lefebvre (29 November 1905 – 25 March 1991) was a French Roman Catholic archbishop. Following a career as an Apostolic Delegate for West Africa and Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers, he took the lead in opposing the changes within the Church associated with the Second Vatican Council.

In 1970, Lefebvre founded the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), which is still the world's largest Traditionalist Catholic priestly society. In 1988, against the orders of Pope John Paul II, he consecrated four bishops to continue his work with the SSPX. The Holy See immediately declared that he and the other bishops who had participated in the ceremony had incurred automatic excommunication under Catholic canon law.Lefebvre's supporters disputed the excommunication. In 2009, the Holy See lifted it for the four surviving bishops.
-excerpts from

This is quoted from the official SSPX website.
Question No. 2
Who is Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre?

NOVEMBER 29, 1905

Birth of Marcel Lefebvre into a good Catholic family (five of the eight children would become priests or nuns).

SEPTEMBER 21, 1929

Marcel Lefebvre is ordained a priest.

1932 - 1946

Having become a Holy Ghost Father, he becomes a missionary in Gabon, Africa.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1947

He is consecrated a bishop and appointed Apostolic Vicar of Dakar, Senegal.

Three of the Lefebvres who became religious:  Marcel, Gabrielle and Rene

Three of the Lefebvre's. From left to right, Marcel, Gabrielle and Rene.

1948 - 1959

Bishop Lefebvre is Pope Pius XII’s Apostolic Delegate for 18 African countries.

SEPTEMBER 14, 1955

He becomes the first Archbishop of Dakar.


His Excellency returns to France to be the Bishop of Tulle.

1962 - 1968

Archbishop Lefebvre is elected and acts as Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers.


...until resigning before the changes his congregation would force him to implement, and going into “retirement.”

Formal portrait of Archbishop Lefebvre as bishop of Dakar
Archbishop Lefebvre as Superior General of the SSPX:  in front of the former Main Altar at the Seminary in Econe

The Archbishop founds the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.

1970 - 1982

He acts as its first Superior General.

1970 - 1988

Until, in view of his imminent death, he consecrates successors, Archbishop Lefebvre does all he can to be faithful to the grace of his episcopacy, traveling the world to encourage Catholics to hold fast to the faith and traditions of their fathers, confirming their young and ordaining for them

MARCH 25, 1991

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre passes before his Eternal Judge.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Last Gospel According to St John

This is the Last Gospel according to St John. It can be found in the John 1

The Last Gospel usually recited at the end of every Mass. Here is it:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men: and the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. He was not the light, but was to give testimony of the light. That was the true light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world.

He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them He gave great power to become the sons of God: to them that believe in His name: who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.